I may never be able to wear a clown mask on my face again, 10 years older from the day I first wrote the original post below.
Beginning late June this year I have been trying to cut down on my sugar intake. I don't know what made me do it but to my surprise I successfully lost 8kg within 2 months. This reduction in mass made my body more nimble, enabled me to climb up my roof top for some DIY repair works and also slip through tight spaces. My agility got better. Little did I know what God planned for me and indeed He is the best of planners.
I lost the most beautiful girl in my universe last September. Never did I knew that losing all those weights enabled me to climb down into the tight, deep grave and lower her down, to place her in her eternal resting place.
May Allah Taala, The Most Gracious and Most Merciful shower her with all the blessings she deserves till kingdom come.
InsyaAllah, this will be my last blogpost. So long and thanks for the read whoever you are.
My original post: clowning around: The Most Beautiful Girl In The Universe - 2011
--------- The Most Beautiful Girl in The Universe - 2011 -------
For the next few years after abah's death, she would regularly cry in silent before sleep. She never slept in the master bedroom again and moved all her stuffs downstairs to the small room next to our kitchen, till now. Here she spend most of her time, praying, resting and contemplating tomorrows challenges that she had to face alone. She stood tall amidst the issues that she had to juggle.
Being an ordinary poor kampung girl back in the 50's, she never had the opportunity to study past standard 6. This magnified the hardship after abah's death since her limited educational knowledge rendered her feeling inferior when dealing with earthly matters. She had to ensure that food and bills were settled from the meagre penchant arwah left us. She also had to make sure that all of us excel in school despite her educational handicap.
All these were invisible to me then. I never appreciated the fact that she was only acting tough to hide her true emotions from us for our own benefit. If she were to crumble like domino's back then, I can never imagine my life now. Nothing can repay what she did for us. Not a night dinner in a 5star hotel nor not dinner in a 1000star hotel, every night for a thousand years.
I am a lot older now but I still wet my eyes sometime thinking that she too will leave us one day. I sincerely hope that it will not be so soon.